1.         Güllük 27-3-1990

“…A wonderful contact has been developed between our schools. We are proud of it. Our greatest wish is for a friendship like this to develop among the children of the whole world…

Our biggest dream is to see our children dancing the one next to the other.

We are looking forward to your visit. Your presence here will be an exceptional honour.

My colleagues and I are sending  you our love and kind regards. A kiss to all the children of Leros.”

SANIYE YIĞİT Principal of the Primary School of Güllük

2.                   2.  Güllük 16-3-1990

“…Our wish is that this friendship and this love that now overflow the hearts of our children will go on.

We hope that the Aegean Sea, which spreads between us with its azure waters, will become a sea of friendship, brotherhood and peace. May the wind blowing over it carry from us to you and from you to us peace and friendship…”

              FATMA ELGÜN, Teacher of the 2nd Grade



3.         “… Our greatest aim is love, kindness and solidarity among all the peoples of the world. We are particularly happy to see that you nourish the same feelings. When we study the dances and the games you described to us, we realize that we have many things in common. I don’t think that we have so many things in common with any other nation, from a cultural point of view. We wish that this friendship will goes on and grows stronger.

                      RAŞİT CENGİZ, Teacher of the 3rd Grade

4.         Güllük 24-1-1991

“…Our correspondence may not be very freguent but our heart is always with you… We will always keep your friendship in our hearts and we will pass  it on the next generations.

Hostility and hatred must find no place between us. The seed of friendship we sowed with our own hands must sprout and grow big and get strong. We must become an example for the whole world.

              FATMA ELGÜN, Teacher of the 3rd  Grade


5.         “Let’s all fight together for a human world full of friendship, love and brotherhood.

 We are certain that a day will come when we will embrace each other…”

                  LEVENT MEŞELİK, Teacher of the 2nd Grade



6.         Güllük January 1992

“Hello, dear friends.

We received your parcels that were full of love and cannot say how happy we were.

It’s especially difficult to describe how enthusiastic the pupils of the small grades

are to make “their first steps in this friendship”. It is not easy for them to pronounce the names of their Lerian friends but the warm feelings of brotherhood and love have embraced their hearts.

We will not let this flame of peace and friendship blow out.

We get appreciative and encouraging letters from various parts of Turkey. Our compatriots are sending you their love and greetings…”

                    HICRAN NURTEN ERTEN,  Teacher

7.                  7.  “My dear friend,

exchanging letters with you is the most beautiful thing in the world. I love you and everyone who wants peace because I long to live in peace. I know that you have the same dreams…”          

MEHMET CENGIZ, Student of the 4th Grade





8.  Güllük, 22-12-1992

“We are sending  you our warmest wishes for the New Year hoping that we’ll see you in GÜLLÜK.

In spite of those who want war, we shall struggle for PEACE.

Our answer to cruelty is LOVE and we shall disperse the darkness with LIGHT.

We are sending  you our love and kisses.”                                            THE TEACHERS OF GÜLLÜK