The song





Click here to listen to the song.

This song, music and lyrics by the teacher Levent Meselik, traveled from Gulluk to Leros in 1994 enclosing in its melody the friendship of the pupils and the teachers of the Turkish school. It  has become a symbol of friendship, the anthem of the two schools and it is sang during events that take place on both sides of the Aegean.


(The song was translated into greek by Georgos Palapuyuk and Kostas Magos.

 Free adaptation and music arrangement  by Manoussos Gryllakis.)                                               




A couple of white doves flew

From Leros to Güllük

Their hearts full of peace, freedom and hope.


They may have come from far away,

Over the big wide sea,

But there they found open arms to nestle in.


From Leros to Güllük

And from Güllük to Leros,

A bridge was built of friendship, brotherhood and love.


Although they don’t speak the same language,

Their thoughts come out as one

And their messages spread happiness all around.

The teacher Levent Meşelik is conducting a choir of students from Gulluk and Leros during "Children's Day", April 23,  2000.

Hopes have now become true.

Hatred has vanished from all hearts.

And souls are overflowing

With peace, friendship and love.


Levent Meşelik  (Teacher from GULLUK Turkey)